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you are the love of my life 歌词

爱思网 | http://www.i4i3.com | 歌曲大全 | 人气:590次 | 12-16
you are the love of my life 歌词you are the love of my life
you are the love of my life you are the reason i'm alive and baby baby baby when i think of how you saved me i go cracy, oh...... and i've never known love like is it fills me with a new tenderness you're in my heart and you're in my soul you're all i can't resist and i need to tell you the first time i held you i knew, you are the love of my life and i spend a life time waiting always hesistating until you i was lost so deep inside my shell till you came and saved me from myself now all i really know is i need you you are the love of my life and all the joy and tears that i cry and baby baby baby you don't have to say the word i see it in your eyes 'cause we stand together i promise forever till the day that i die you are the love of my life you are the love of my life you are the reason i'm alive

you are the love of my life的延伸阅读——周华健的个人资料
本名:周华健  艺名:周华健  英文名:EMIL CHAU  出生地点:香港  生日:12月22日  本籍:广东省潮阳县  血型:B型  星座:非常典型的人马座  身高:174CM  体重 : 74KG  出道时间:1986年  嗜好:数之不尽  最讨厌的事:没有  最难忘的事:结婚  喜爱的运动:跑步、游泳  喜爱的演员:DUSTIN HOFMAN、周润发、张艾嘉  喜爱的歌手:齐秦、齐豫、潘越云、AND SO ON .......  喜爱的食物:鸡肉、沙拉、水

        you are the love of my life

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