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爱思网 | http://www.i4i3.com | 初中英语词汇 | 人气:328次 | 03-22
1. You must be more __________ (care) next time.
2. Tom found his classmates were more _________ (friend) to him than before.
3. The sun gives us _______ (hot) and light.
4. I was told to speak a little _________ (loud ).
5. You can’t help _______ (laugh) when you see funny monkey.
6. The soldiers gave their _______ (life) to our great motherland.
7. They go to the library _______ (one) a week.
8. Beijing has had success in _______ (hold) the Olympic Games of the year 2008.
9. The weather report says it will be _______ (sun) tomorrow.
10. Soon they were very busy _______ (talk).
11. Mary, shall we go and do some ________ (shop)?
12. Neither of them _______ (be) on the team now.
13. Two _______ (visit) have just arrived here.
14. Please give me two _______ (tomato).
15. English is _______ (wide) used in China.
16. The heavy rain stopped him from ______ (go) to work.
17. Was it _______ (cloud) yesterday?
18. More and more __________(foreign) have come to China these years.
19. Here are some presents for _______ (we).
20. The flowers are ________ (real) beautiful.

1. careful 2. friendly
3. heat 4. louder
5. laughing 6. lives
7. once8. holding
9. sunny 10. talking
11. shopping 12. is
13. visitors 14. tomatoes
15. widely 16. going
17. cloudy 18. foreigners
19. us 20. really

如果觉得初中英语:用所给单词的适当形式填空(20题) , 英语词汇学,初中英语单词,初中英语单词表这篇文章不错,可以推荐给朋友分享哦。

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