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中考英语专项习题练习 名词

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中考英语专项习题练习 名词   下载地址:中考英语专项习题练习 名词.doc

    1.Miss Smith is a friend of      .

    A.Mary's mother's    B.Mary's mother     C.mother's Mary   D.Mary mother's

    2.Li Qiang's handwriting is better than any other      in his class.

    A.students    B.student     C.student's     D.students'

    3.Julie went to the      to buy a pair of shoes.

    A.shoes store    B.shoe store    C.shoes stores   D.shoe stores

    4.What     news it is !

    A.a good    B.good  C.a few good    D.many good

    5.        went to Beijing for a holiday.

    A.The Smiths     B.The Smiths'     C.The Smith   D.Smiths

    6.It's      walk from my home to school.

    A.two hours and a half    B.two and half hours'    C.two and a half hours'    D.two hour and a halfs

    7.She sings very well. She's one of the most popular      at the moment.

    A.sing    B.singing   C.singer    D.singers

    8.They have bought two       form the party.

    A.box of apple    B.boxes of apples   C.box of apples    D.boxes of apple

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