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中考英语作文范文 英语提示  中考英语作文 英语提示


  Dear Ace Travel,

  I'm Li Ming, from the east of China. For the coming winter vacation, my family and I want to spend our vacation in a foreign city for ten days. We would like to go somewhere not only warm but also interesting. We don't mind how far we have to go. It has to be a place where we can swim everyday, and it would be nice if our hotel is not expensive but clean and comfortable. We like to pay no more than $ 5,000 for the trip. Could you please give us your suggestions for vacation spots?

  Thanks a lot.


  Li Ming

  请你根据来信,从下列所给的地方中选择一个或两个符合Li Ming要求的地方,向他提出建议。(80字左右)Tokyo, Sydney, Hawaii, Shanghai

  写作指导:这篇作文结合了提示性作文和应用文的写作要求。首先,我们要读懂英语提示的内容,也就是那封咨询信的内容。其次,我们要知道书信的写作方法。针对本道题,还要注意,这封信是以旅行社工作人员的身份来写的。最后,还要注意咨询信后的要求-从下列所给的地方中选择一个或两个符合Li Ming要求的地方,向他提出建议及字数限制。


  One Possible version:

  Dear Li Ming,

  I'm Gina. It's my pleasure to give you some suggestions for your vacation spots. According to your letter, I think either Sydney or Hawaii is the best choice because they are both warm and interesting. There are some inexpensive hotels, which are clean and comfortable in both places. What's more, you can enjoy sunshine, walk on the beach and swim every day.

  Besides, there are many good museums in Sydney. (It's also a wonderful place for shopping. )And if you go to Hawaii, you could have a visit to Pearl Harbor, which is quite educational and historical. (And you can also enjoy exotic dances. )

  That's just my idea. I hope it would give you some help.



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