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牛津版高三英语M10 Unit4 Law and order reading-1课件

  • 所属栏目:高三英语课件
  • 资源大小:1.70 MB
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  • 资料类型:免费课件下载 - 英语课件 - 高三英语课件
  • 更新时间:03-19
  • 下载次数: 859
  • Tags:高三英语课件,高三英语复习课件,高中英语课件,英语课件ppt   
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牛津版高三英语M10 Unit4 Law and order reading-1课件牛津版高三英语M10 Unit4 Law and order reading-1课件

Internet-related crime (also referred to as cyber-crime, e-crime and hi-tech crime) is a term used to describe a range of different crime types that are committed online, including hacking (黑客), viruses, copyright piracy, trade secret theft, trademark counterfeit (伪造 fake / forge), currency counterfeit, Internet fraud (诈骗 cheat / deceive), junk email (垃圾信件) or spam, Internet harassment (骚扰 ), and much more.

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