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  • 所属栏目:小学六年级英语试卷
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  • 更新时间:01-04
  • 下载次数: 128
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牛津小学英语六年级6b期中复习测试题 简介:
( )1.Look at_____ picture. In it we can see______ small boat on the river.
A. a, a B. the, the C. the, a D. a, the
( )2.Here are your new trousers. Please_______.
A. look it after B. look after it C. look them after D. look after them
( )3.The purse is______. It's not______.
A. my, his B. hers, his C. her, mine D. mine, her
( )4.This is Mr. Huang's watch. Please ______.
A. give them to him B. give him them
C. give it to him D. give him it
( )5.Do you know the girl over there? She _______a red dress today.
A. puts on B. have C. is in D. takes off
( )6."_____in your Chinese book?" "A photo of my twin sister."
A. Who's B. What's C. Where's D. How's
( )7.Mike's schoolbag is _____the floor_____ his desk.
A. on, in B. on, under C. beside, near D. behind, over
( )8.It's already(已经) midnight. It's time_____, I think.
A. to go to bed B. go to bed C. for the bed D. for to bed
( )9."Oh,your kites are very nice.""_______."
A. That's right B. It's nice C. Yes, you are right D. Thank you
( )10.Jim,with Tom, Bill and Lu Ming_____ there in the tree house.
A. are sitting B .is sitting C. are up D. is up
( )14."Do you have a sweater like this?" "Yes, I have_____."
A. one B. a one C. red one D. it
( )15.Hello,Jack________.
A. Here's a flower from you B. Here's a flower of you 

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