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初三第一学期期末考试英语补充试题2 简介:

一、 单词(本大题共10分)
1. Having a hot bath after work can make you feel . (relax)
2. Please send me an email if you have solving the problem. (difficult)
3. For the people in the Middle East, to have a world is always a dream that has never come true. (peace)
4. Don’t touch the painting on the wall. It’s even than this house. ( value)
5. Many VIPs, including the president himself, will attend the next week. (present)
6. Zhang Yimou is one of the few Chinese known by many America. (direct)
7. The two brothers always with each other. They just argue about everything. (agree)
8. Not all the stories in real life have perfect .(end)
9. Among all the young from China, Zhang Ziyi was the finest one to get into the cover of Times. (act)
10. The moon is the place that man has been to so far. (far)
B) 根据首字母填入所缺的单词。
11. In China, the red colour usually r good luck.
12. J is a very good way to lose weight. But remember not to run too fast.
13. Lots of teenage girls today love to wear t jeans, but that is not good for their health.
14. Can you have a look at my new homepage and give me some s .
15. Nobody is satisfied with his answer, but nothing can p him wrong at the moment.
16. Tom and Jerry is one of the most famous Disney c . Most children love it.
17. Before a the results, I’d like to give my special thanks to CCTV3.
18. The beautiful scene of that mountain village will probably d for ever because of pollution.

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