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湖北省黄冈中学高二英语阶段性考试题无答案 简介:

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
21. George strongly recommended that the retired architect Tom _________ the construction of the new subway because of his rich experience and skilled techniques.
A. required B. reflect C. conquer D. undertake
22. After the accident she lost the _______ of speech and had to communicate with others entirely by gesture.
A. influence B. power C. energy D. effect
23. He reviewed the book for a while and went to bed, giving us the _______ that he was not nevous at all.
A. charater B. sight C. impression D. expression
24. Yao Ming _______ as a basketball player, and is loved by basketball fans at home and abroad.
A. stands up B. stands by C. stands for D. stands out
25. Swimming and running _________ most of my time during the summer holidays.
A. went up B. used up C. filled up D. set up

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