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高二英语Unit 16 同步检测试题

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高二英语Unit 16 同步检测试题 简介:
高二英语Unit 16 同步检测试题

高二英语Unit 16 同步检测试题
1. I had to _____ the temptation to laugh at his foolish mistake.
A. conquer B. overtake C. overcome D. overdo
2. If I were you, I should leave that question _____.
A. alone B. about C. out D. off
3. He insisted that he _____ the best, so he insisted that he _____ the work all by himself.
A. be; do B. was; do C. be; did D. had been; had done
4. People lined up and entered the hall _____.
A. in turn B. by turns C. turning D. with turn
5. Over 200 people died _____ the air crash.
A. with regard to B. as a result of C. in the course of D. on the grounds of
6. They are _____ to prefer the better when the best in unattainable.
A. like B. will C. anxious D. willing
7. The police _____ the stolen jewellery and returned it to the owner.
A. searched B. hunted C. invented D. recovered
8. Let me know the time of your _____.
A. reach B. arrival C. come D. got
9. We tried _____ to persuade him to stay home, but at last he went to the construction site in spite of his bad illness.
A. vain B. in vain C. in fact D. in vanity
10. Even before quite a few people, she can’t _____ the courage to speak aloud.
A. gather B. collect C. assemble D. raise
11. He came to the meeting _____ his serous illness.
A. despite B. through
C. past D. despise
12. Nothing came out _____ all this talk.
A. against B. for
C. of D. with
13. I am not used _____ to like that.
A. to being spoken B. to speak
C. being spoken D. to speaking

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