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Marlin: Dory, do you see anything?
Dory: Aah! Something's got me.
Marlin: That was me. I am sorry.
Dory: Who's that?
Marlin: Who's that could it be? It's me.
Dory: Are you my conscience?
Marlin: Yeah, yeah. I am your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you?
Dory: Can't complain.
Marlin: Yeah? Good. Now Dory, I want you to tell me—Do you see anything?
Dory: I see a … I see a light.
Marlin: A light?
Dory: Yeah. Over there. Hey, conscience, am I dead?
Marlin: No. I see it, too. What is it?
Dory: It's so pretty.
Marlin: I am feeling happy, which is a big deal for me.
Dory: I want to touch it.
Marlin: Hey, come back. Come on back here.
Dory: I am gonna get you.
Marlin: I am gonna swim with you. I am gonna be your best friend. Good feeling's gone.


No,I see it .It's beautiful.

So,Coral,when you said u wanted an ocean view..

u didn't think u'd get the whole ocean,did u?

Oh,yeah.A fish can breathe out here.

Did ur man deliver,or did he deliver?

My man deliverd.-And it wasn't so easy.

Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place.

u better believe they did--every single one of them.

Mm-hmm.u did good.

And the neighborhood is awesome.

So u do like it,don't u?

No,no.I do ,I do.I really do like it.

But,Marlin,I know that the drop off is desirable...

with the great schools and the amazing view...

but do we really need so much space?

Coral,honey,these r our kids we're talking about.

They deserve the best.Look,look,look.

They'll wake up ,poke their little heads out...

and they see a whale!Right by their bedroom window.

Shh.u'll wake the kids.


Aw,look.They're dreaming.

We still have to name them.

You want to name all of them ritht now?

All right,we'll name this half Marlin Junior...

and this half Coral Junior.

-OK,we're done.-I like Nemo.

Nemo.We'll name one Nemo...

but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior.

Just think,in a couple of days...

-we're going to be parents.-Yeah.

What if they don't like me?


There's over 400 eggs.Odds are ,one will like u.


-You remember how we met?-I try not to.

Well,I remember.Excuse me,miss...

can u check and see if I have a hook in my lip?

You got a little closer because it was wiggling.

-get away,get away!-Here he is.Cutie's here.

Where did everybody go?

Coral,get inside the house.

No,Coral,don't .They'll be fine.

Just get inside--You,right now.













It's ok.Daddy's here.

Daddy's got you.

I promise,I will never let anything happen to you...


First day of school!First day of school!

Wake up!Wake up!Come on!First day of school.

I don't want to go to school--five more minutes.

Not you,Dad,me!

-OK.Huh?-Get up,get up.

It's time for school,time for school.

time for school,time for school.

All right,I'm up.


Nemo!-First day of school!

-Nemo,don't move.-Unh!Unh!

You'll never get out of there yourself.

I'll do it.Unh!

-You feel a break?-No.

Sometimes u can't tell `cause fluid rushes to the area.

-Are you woozy?-No.

-How many stripes do I have?-I'm fine.

-Answer the stripe question.-Three.

No!See?Something's wrong with u.

I have one ,two,three--That's all I have?

Ypu're OK.How's the lucky fin?

-Lucky.-Let's see.

Are u sure u want to go to school this year?

There's no problem if u don't.You can wait 5or6 years.

Come on,Dad,it's time for school.

-Forgot to brush.-Ohh.

Do u want this anemone to sting u?


-OK,I'm done.-You missed a spot.

All right,we're excited.All right,we're excited.

The first day of school.Here we go .

We're ready to learn to get some knowledge.

What's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean?

-It's not safe.-That's my boy.

First,we check to see that the coast is clear.

We go out...and back in.

And them we go out...and back in.

And them one more time--out and back in.

And sometimes,if you want to do it four times--

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