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爱思网 | http://www.i4i3.com | 小学生英语口语 | 人气:705次 | 09-12
小学英语口语二人对话Two people are talking something about college students' marrige. Their words are like this.
A: Hey, Tom. How are you these days?B: Fine,and you?
A: I am fine, too. I haven't thought that I can see you here.
B: Neither do I. We haven't met each other for so long a time. How are you getting on with your study Mike?A: Oh, very well.B: That is good.A: What's that in your arms?
B: Books.
A: What's that for?
B: My teacher ask me to write articles about college students' marrige.
A: Is that so?
B: Yes. You know that many college students are getting married nowadays.
A: I have learnt from newspaper.
B: Could you please say something about that? I am looking for opinions about that topic.
A: My pleasure. I think people get married during their college life is not so good.
B: Can you tell me the reason?
A: Because they are still students. They are still depending on their parents. They still need money from their parents.
A: Yes, I agree.
B: They are still too young to think about it.
A: Yes. I couldn't agree with you more. But many students think that getting married is a useful way to keep many problems away when being graduated. You know that it is a little bit difficult for students to find a job.
B: Yes. But it's not the right way.
A: Ok, I have written what you have said down. Thank you so much.
B: Don't mention it. I am so glad to help.A: How time flies! I really need to go now.
B: See you.
A: Bye. Oh, keep in touch.
B: OK, this is my phone number.
A: I will phone you. Bye.

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