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爱思网 | http://www.i4i3.com | 初中英语词汇 | 人气:257次 | 03-22
1. If you don’t know a word, please look it up in the dictionary.
A. look for it B. find it C. see it D. pick it up
2. Hurry up, or we’ll be late again.
A. Be careful B. Come up C. Be quick D. Give up
3. Hold on for a moment. I’ll get him for you.
A. Go on B. Put on C. Stand there D. Wait
4. How beautiful the park is! We can see flowers here and there.
A. everywhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. where
5. My mother prefers coffee to tea.
A. likes tea better than coffee B. likes tea better C. likes neither coffee nor tea D. likes coffee better
6. If I fail the exam, I’ll let my parents down. They expect me to be the best.
A. make; happy B. make; sad C. make; angry D. make; tired
7. I’m sure you can do well in your lesson. Stop selling yourself short.
A. Don’t think highly of yourself. B. Don’t look down upon yourself.
C. Don’t sell yourself for little money. D. Don’t give up studying.
8. Something must be done to end the war in that country.
A. stop B. start C. take part in D. happen
9. Take your time. We still have a few minutes left.
A. Be quick. B. Hurry up C. Come on D. Don’t hurry
10. There is no room on the bus, isn’t there?
A. place B. seat C. space D. house

1. B look up在此表示“查找”、“找到”,与 find 同义,故选B。
2. C hurry up意为“赶快”,与be quick 同义。
3. D hold on意为“等一等”,主要用于打电话时叫对方不要挂断电话。hold on 用于此义时与 wait 同义。
4. A here and there意为“到处”,与 everywhere 同义。
5. D prefer A to B的意思是“喜欢A胜过喜欢B”,与D项同义。
6. B let sb down意为“使某人失望”,与make sb sad 同义。
7. B sell sb short意为“低估”,look down upon sb 意为“瞧不起”,两者大致同义。
8. A end在此用作动词,意为“结束”,与 stop 同义。
9. D take one’s time意为“不要急”,与 don’t worry 同义。
10. C room在此表示“空间”(不表示“房间”),与 space 同义。

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