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In a few days, that is, the 60th anniversary of the motherland in Daqing. Country has experienced a number of trials and ups and downs, leading to today's glory.
In retrospect, October 1, 1994, founding of New China to the National People's morale has been boosted. This is the first Chinese began to slowly wake up the sleeping lion, but the way to go is so hard. In 1964, the first atomic bomb explosion, my homeland is beginning to prosperity, and become rich and strong; Then, in 1978, reform and opening up, my mother drew the envy of the world; in 1997, Pearl of the Orient Hong Kong's reunification ; in 1999, Macao's Chinese people have also returned to the mother's warm embrace of the motherland; in 2001, my country's successful Olympic bid, and joined the World Trade Organization; in 2008, China successfully hosted the Olympic Games in Beijing, and has made first the name of success.
Every morning, the national flag rose slowly rise, the majestic national anthem linger ears, my mind thought back to the motherland, bit by bit, much more is an excitement and pride.
Looking ahead, the baton will be the era we are welding. We understand that, as a student, the only country able to do is to read good books, grow up to become the backbone of the country to serve the motherland, and do something for the motherland own modest strength. I remember, Premier Zhou Enlai, when the age of 12 knew: "For China's rise and study." Chou En-lai in such difficult conditions, then the small age, I know that should boost China. Reflecting on their present life, there are so favorable conditions, but do not know to treasure them, really should not. We, as a student, have the responsibility and obligation to make the powerful more powerful in building the motherland, the motherland and the building of the beautiful more beautiful, the rich more rich and build our motherland ... ... Now, let's put down the game, TV, Pick up books and learn the hands of the bar! Refueling, good work! Sacrificed their future for the motherland in a power bar! For the motherland tomorrow good work!



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